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Scroll down or click on each headline to see outstanding writing samples below.



I have written over 50 articles, blogs, and features for different outlets in English and Spanish. Although my interests are varied and I’ve covered almost every journalism beat, my work has mainly focused on environment, tourism, sustainable development, green economy, culture and entertainment, food, and science and innovation.

Here are my 18 of my favorites!

Culture and Arts

Niche Tourism

Celebrating Women in Tourism

Tourism - People – Nature Blog


Indigenous Communities and Tourism: The Benefits of Co-Management

Tourism - People – Nature Blog


Ecoturismo para todos (Ecotourism for all)

ATRÉVETE a ponerte en mi lugar… (Be brave and put yourself in my shoes…) magazine published by Chile’s National Disabilities Fund (FONADIS)

Food and Drink

Get to Know Traditional Chilean Food

Eat Your World Blog


Sustainable Wines and Harvest Festivals 2012

Tourism - People – Nature Blog


Comida chilena en su mesa (Chilean food at your table)

La Vitrina de Bellavista (The Bellavista Showcase)


Ceremonia del té en Japón: La importancia de un rito (Tea ceremony in Japan: The importance of a ritual)

Revista del Domingo - El Mercurio

Wildlife and Protected Areas

8 Cool Facts About the Seals of Antarctica

SA Vacations Blog


100 years of Machu Picchu and the impact of tourism

Tourism - People – Nature Blog


Observing Whales and Dolphins

Tourism - People – Nature Blog

Tourism Industry and Events

Panama Tourism Expo 2022: A tasting of unforgettable experiences

Tourism - People – Nature Blog


Tourism Initiatives to Save the Earth

Tourism - People – Nature Blog


Biofuels for more eco-friendly flights

Tourism - People – Nature Blog

Case studies

Case studies

My collaboration with international non-governmental and multilateral organizations has allowed me to give voice to indigenous peoples and local communities across all five continents, highlighting their efforts to face global challenges such as deforestation, biodiversity loss, and gender equality, among others. I have written and edited over 40 case studies (in English and Spanish), while also conducting interviews and research. 

These are my top 18 picks!


Wildlife and Protected Areas

Baltistan Wildlife Conservation and Development Organization (BWCDO) – Pakistan

Case study describing how this organization protects Baltistan’s snow leopards by providing economic incentives to local farmers in 17 villages. 


The Kuruwitu Conservation & Welfare Association – Kenya

Case study describing how this organization created the first coral-based Locally Managed Marine Area (LMMA) in Kenya.


Community Baboon Sanctuary - Belize

Case study describing how this organization has empowered women and saved the black howler monkey from extinction in Belize.

case_study_2015_CODDEFFAGOLF (Honduras).jpg


Mujeres y Ambiente, Querétaro - Mexico

Case study describing how this organization, founded and led by women, has been working with an environmentally minded Spanish company, the Mexican Government, and a local university to develop and market cosmetics based on local plants. 


Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP) – India

Case study describing how Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP) empowers grassroots women’s collectives to move from ‘Margin to Mainstream’ in India.


Comité para la Defensa y Desarrollo de la Flora y Fauna del Golfo de Fonseca -(CODDEFFAGOLF) – Honduras

Case study describing, among other things, how this organization has empowered women in conservation and promoted mangrove reforestation in Honduras.


Sustainable Production Chains

Dutjahn Sandalwood Oils Pty Ltd – Australia

Case study describing how this innovative partnership with the Martu Aboriginal peoples creates a value-added product from sandalwood oil for export to the global luxury perfume and cosmetics markets. 


Associação Terra Indígena Xingu (ATIX) – Brazil

Case study describing how the organization has contributed to develop a new certification called ‘Selo dos Origens Brasil,’ focusing on the preservation of traditional knowledge and customs, and how honey production is the main source of income for these communities, which sell two tons of this organic product every year.


The Wuasikamas Movement of the Inga People in Aponte - Colombia 

Case study describing, among other things, how the Inga People substituted poppy fields for coffee farm and launched their own brand: café Wuasikamas.


Food Security

Asociación de Productores Kemito Ene – Perú

Case study describing how this organization brings together Indigenous Asháninka people to sustainably produce and export certified organic cocoa to Australia and Europe. 


Associação Indígena Khisêtjê– Brazil

Case study describing how the Khisêtjê people developed an innovative entrepreneurial model that uses native pequi fruit (Caryocar brasiliense) trees to restore landscapes, promote food security, and develop products for local and national markets.


Kayonza Growers Tea Factory – Uganda

Case study describing, among other things, the work of this community enterprise, fully owned by more than 7,000 smallholder tea farmers. It highlights how it helps protect one of Uganda’s oldest rainforests, which harbors 50 percent of the world’s mountain gorillas.


Indigenous Peoples' Rights

Alianza Ceibo – Ecuador

Case study describing this organization’s fight to counter environmental degradation to protect more than 2 million hectares of primary rainforest in four provinces and 70 communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon. 


Conselho Indígena de Roraima – Brazil

Case study describing how, in Brazil’s northernmost state, Conselho Indígena de Roraima (Indigenous Council of Roraima or CIR) brings together nearly 58,000 Indigenous people of Macuxi, Wapichana, Taurepang, Ingarikó, Wai-Wai, Yanomami, Ye’kuana, Patamona, and Sapará origin in the 1.7-million-hectare Raposa-Serra do Sol Indigenous Territory.


Muskitia Asla Takanka (MASTA) - Honduras

Case study describing, among other things, this Honduran Indigenous community’s efforts to ensure land ownership and sustainable livelihoods. It also highlights how they developed their own Biocultural Protocol as part of the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) requirement for development projects within their territories.


Sustainable Land and Water Management

Yayasan Planet Indonesia

Case study describing how this organization is fighting wildlife trafficking and promoting a unique community-led conservation model to address socio-economic inequalities that drive environmental degradation and biocultural loss. 


Mikoko Pamoja – Kenya

Case study describing how Mikoko Pamoja is the first community-based project in the world to successfully sell carbon credits from mangrove conservation and restoration.


Yunnan Green Watershed Management Research and Promotion Centre (Green Watershed) - China

Case study describing how Green Watershed has become a model of indigenous self-organization and participatory watershed management, founding four autonomous organizations for resource management that have each achieved remarkable results.

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