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Journalist and copywriter

Throughout my career, I have gained broad experience researching, writing, editing, and translating content for different types of audiences on several media platforms (newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and websites). I’ve recently also started to provide copywriting services to a few companies and institutions wanting tto reach new audiences, mainly in the travel industry.

Whenever I receive a commission for an article, I try to combine global and local perspectives to focus on the common elements that make a story relevant for any reader. I also have a knack for connecting with people from all walks of life and getting them to open up with ease. That’s why I can easily connect with the key source for a piece, whether they are a famous singer to a construction worker, an entrepreneur, a physician, or an indigenous leader, to name a few.

Journalist and copywriter

Book author and blogger

I’m also a book author and a blogger. I co-authored a guidebook to Chile’s national parks (in Spanish) published in 1998 and 2004: ‘Los Parques Nacionales de Chile, Una guía para el visitante’ (The National Parks of Chile, a visitor’s guide) with Editorial Universitaria in Chile. The publication covers 24 of Chile’s most visited and accessible national parks and reserves at the time.

Between 2011 and 2022, I wrote a bilingual blog ( covering several topics such as impacts of tourism; iconic destinations; culture, music, and food; wildlife observation; tips for practicing responsible tourism, etc. The aim was to promote responsibility in the tourism industry towards the people and the environment of the destinations it relies upon. Several entries have been republished by other digital or print publications.

Prior to that, in 2004 I wrote and edited 'La Vitrina de Bellavista', a bilingual monthly publication in Spanish and English of my own production. It included interviews and articles on activities, heritage, food, and restaurants in the Bellavista neighborhood and was distributed in hotels throughout Santiago.

Book author and blogger

Editor and proofreader

I have translated and/or edited over 30 academic papers and more than 20 books and e-courses. My clients include Spanish-speaking Chilean university professors seeking to publish in journals in English, as well as Chilean government institutions, international non-governmental organizations, and multilateral organizations. 

Throughout my career, I’ve also been in charge of editing two corporate magazines (in Spanish): 

  • CONUPIA: from 2002 to 2003, I edited and managed the production of the bimonthly magazine of the National Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises, covering stories dealing with entrepreneurs, banks, international organizations, government policies for SMEs, etc.

  • ATRÉVETE a ponerte en mi lugar… (Be brave and put yourself in my shoes…): from 1996 to 2000, I was part of the editorial board of this monthly magazine published by Chile’s National Disabilities Fund (FONADIS), covering everything related to the topic, from scientific and medical breakthroughs to artistic expressions by people with disabilities. 


Additionally, I have provided full-service publishing for several clients wishing to produce annual reports, sustainability reports, brochures, and magazines. These projects have required me to conduct research, review many documents, write, summarize, and edit texts for a general audience, oversee graphic design ideas and layout, and even supervise the printing process.

Editor and proofreader
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