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Wildlife and protected areas

Case study describing how Komunitas Adat Muara Tae enhances local livelihood options and supports the conservation of edible-nest swiftlets (Aerodramus fuciphagus), a unique native species under threat of extinction due to large-scale land clearings that have destroyed the habitat where they reproduce.

Case study describing how this Indigenous community in Bolivia ensures sustainable livelihoods and has created 24 community-based associations to oversee agroforestry, ecotourism, cocoa production, and sustainable caiman (Caiman yacare) hunting.

Wildlife and protected areas
Sust. Production

Sustainable production chains

Case study describing, among other things, this Amazonian community’s achievements in earning income through the sustainable extraction of honey, pequi fruits (Caryocar brasiliense), handicrafts, and copaiba tree resin (Copaifera spp.).

Case study describing, among other things, how the organization initiated a shade-grown sustainable coffee project by creating the Association of Intag River Small Coffee Growers (AACRI by its acronym in Spanish), which is now completely independent of DECOIN. Originally founded by 18 partners, the association currently has approximately 300 members. Its shade-grown coffee is sold within Ecuador and exported overseas.

Sustainable land and water management

Case study describing how, in 2004, the Bang La village was protected from the worst effects of a catastrophic tsunami by its 192-hectare mangrove forest, and how residents created an association to advance the protection of mangroves through co-management, community dialogues, and education programs.

Case study describing an innovative model of public-private-community partnership for the páramo (moorland), its water, and its people. Fondo de Manejo de Páramos was created by
the Movimientos Indígenas y Campesinos de Tungurahua
(Indigenous and Farmer  Movements of Tungurahua) with the collaboration of local and provincial governments, private companies, and
local communities.

Sust. land and water
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